Case Studies
Teeth Stain removal
Patient with heavy staining on the lower front teeth removed using a ultrasonic scaler
Tooth Whitening
Tooth Whitening carried out using our Polanight Whitening System
Partial Acrylic Denture
Patient has lost most of her upper teeth and the missing teeth have been replaced with a removable acrylic partial denture
Emax All Porcelain Crown
Patient has a damaged upper left central incisor which was restored with an emax all porcelain crown
Re-root Canal Treatment Upper Right 7
Patient had infection from a previous root canal treatment done on the upper right 7. Re-root canal treatment was carried out by our clinician and a new crown was placed.
Six Months Smiles (6MS)
Patients teeth aligned with removable fixed appliances and removable retainers
Root Canal Treatment of Upper Left 6
Patient had infection on upper left 6. Root Canal Treatment was carried out by our clinician and a new crown was placed.
Maryland Bridge UR2 and Composite Build Ups UL1 and UR1
Patient had missing UR2 and this was replaced with a Maryland Bridge